Animated films are very popular with children. They tell exciting and funny stories that offer a lot of entertainment and fun. But how can you produce your own animated film (stop motion film) or video? This is not clear to many children and adults. They are not aware of how much work is involved in producing a (stop motion) film, since it is not just shots one after the other.

Explain to the children that it will not be possible to produce a stop motion film in Disney film length. Let them discover how much work is needed and what restrictions may occur in an ECEC production. Also, the film quality cannot be the same. It's
more about finding out together how a film or cartoon is made and using available resources creatively and sensibly.

Stop motion and video work with children should make use of simple possibilities, which are nevertheless exciting in content, but not too elaborate.
This module is therefore not about producing elaborate (stop motion) films with children, but about teaching children practical and creative video work.