Did you know?

With the search engine FRAGFINN.DE you can discover great children's pages or search for interesting topics and pictures. There you will find surfing tips, funny videos, exciting games and much more! Parents, educators and website providers find helpful tips on safe surfing here.

The programme guide FLIMMO.DE contains individual reviews of child-relevant programmes and short articles on media education topics. Not only is the children's programme discussed, but programmes aimed at adults are also popular among children between the ages of three and 13 years. It evaluates how children deal with certain television content and what kind of processing can be expected depending on their age. FLIMMO does not provide TV criticism, but looks at the programmes from the perspective of the children.

The project Apps for Children at the German Youth Institute examines the diversity and quality of offers. On the one hand, trend analysis provides an overview of the app market and the research data. On the other hand, more than 500 apps for children have been examined and included in a freely accessible database together with specific recommendations.

KLICK-TIPPS.NET has set itself the task of identifying content that is worth recommending from a wide range of websites and apps, enabling children to access media in an age-appropriate manner and supporting parents in media selection.